Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama

About Us

About Us

Bardhaman Mission History :

The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Burdwan is rooted in the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) who stressed, among other things, the equal validity of all religions the potential divinity of man, and service to man as a way of worshipping God. Sri Ramakrishna's Chief disciple, Swami Vevekananda (1863-1902), carried far and wide these teachings which constitute the core of India's oldest philosophy, Vedanta. Later in 1897, he founded in order to propagate these ideas, a non-proselytizing religious organization, the Ramakrihna Mission, which besides teaching Vedanta gives concrete service to the community by running schools, colleges, hospitals, orphanages, relief etc. Ramakrishna Mission's Headquarters is located at Belur Math, West Bengal, India and has more than 201 branches in India and abroad.

Our branch is Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, in Bardhaman district of West Bengal, India.

Inception :

In 2016 it is started, inspired by Swami Vivekananda's message of "Work is Worship" and "Service to Man is the Worship of God" at Bardhaman. The begining was as a Sub-Center of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, later on Belur Math declared centre and It has been named Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Bardhaman.

The Main Campus at Bajepratappur, Katwa Road, Bardhaman.

Selflessness, Sacrifice, Love:

The principle of selflessness or unselfishness is an important teaching of the Holy Trio and constitutes the very first step in the three main spritual paths of Karma, Bhakti and Jnane.

Ramakrishna Mission monks look upon their Sangha as the mystical body of Sri Ramakrishna and they learn to merge their individual egos in the collective will of the Sangha, Furthermore, all their work and its fruit are offered as worship to the Lord. Individual members of Ramakrishna Math and Mission do not claim credit for their actions: all credit goes to the Sangha. They engage themselves in service activities not for self-glorification but for the 'greater glory' of the Lord. Ramakrishna Mission monks also follow the path of Jnana and, by the practice of self-analysis, learn to identify themselves with the Pratyagatman or Inner Self which is the unchanging inner witness of all thoughts and actions. Through all these means the monks learn to be unselfish and unegoistic. As already mentioned, the ideal of service followed in Ramakrishna Movement is based on the principle Siva-jnane jiva-seva, to serve man as potentially Divine.It is not ,however easy to serve all, especially the poor and the sick, in a spirit of worship. This ideal of service calls for a lot of sacrifice, sacrifice of one's time, energy, comforts, etc. It is these sacrifices which the members of Ramakrishna Movement undergo, without any expectation of reward, recognition or fame, that make their ideal of service authentic. The motivation for service and sacrifice is love. The love that flows Through Ramakrishna Math and Mission is Divine Love - the pure, imperishable love of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda for humanity. This Divine love is the force holding together the Sangha, unifying monastic brothers and devotees.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity:

These three great ideals of democracy about which humanity has been dreaming and talking for centuries are becoming a social reality, in a silent and unobtrusive way, in the Ramakrishna Math and Mission circles, Swami Vivekananda has repeatedly stated, 'Liberty is the first condition of growth.' Freedom from religious bigotry, intolerance, hatred and superstitions, freedom from religious, social and racial prejudices, in a word, freedom of thought and belief - this is a central fact in the Ramakrishna Movement. Ramakrishna Math and Mission's activities aim at the welfare of all people without any distinctions of caste, creed or race.  The rich and the poor, the Brahmin and the Harijan, Hindus, Muslims, Christians - all are treated as children of the same Divine parents. These institutions follow Vivekananda's vies that social equality is to be brought about, not by a process of 'leaving down', but by 'levelling on', not by pulling down those who are already up but by raising up those who are down.


Excellence, Efficiency, Teamwork:

These three qualities are generally associated with business enterprises, but they are the governing principles in all activities undertaken by Ramakrishna Math and Mission. Since all work is done as worship, and only the best things are offered to the Lord, the members of Ramakrishna Math and Mission try to do their allotted work in the best possible. Care is taken to avoid waste or loss of any kind. Other than the minimum necessary for the maintenance of the institutions and their inmates, all the resources are used for the welfare of society. Again as the monks are united by the strong bond of monastic brotherhood, they find it easy and natural to work as a team, and this has contributed much to the success of Ramakrishna Mission.


Truthfulness, Honesty, Transparencey:

Ramakrishna Mission scrupulously follows all statutory ana contingent rules and conditions with regard to receiving and spending funds, which come mostly through public donations and government  grants. Its accounts are regularly audited and made available to the public.

Transparency in financial matters is a hallmark of Ramakrishna Mission.


Social commitment without politics:

In a democratic country which follows the principle of 'Welfare State', any kind of social service necessarily involves interaction with the Government. However being a spritual organization which aims at the spritual regenration of humanity, Ramakrishna Mission maintains its position above active politics and political affiliations.


Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.

- Swami Vivekananda.

The winds of God's grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails.

- Sri Ramakrishna.

The grace of God is the thing that is needful. One should pray for the grace of God.

- Holy Mother Sarada Devi.